Greater Haverhill Chamber Welcomes LaFleur as New Chairman

Erci LaFleur was installed as the Chairman of the Board at the GHCC 100th Annual Dinner on June 2, 2016.
The Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce recently installed the newest Chairman of the Board, Eric LaFleur of NorthEast Computer Services LLC, at the 100th Annual Dinner Business Awards Celebration on June 2nd.
The board of directors is responsible for the governance of the Haverhill Chamber abiding by the by-laws as set forth by the group. The directors also provide direction for strategic growth while supporting the mission and goals already in place. Each incoming director plans to bring fresh energy and innovative ideas to GHCC which has seen tremendous growth in the past two years.
As part of the festivities of the dinner, Eric Lafleur, Chairman of the Board, shared his vision for the upcoming year with his team and the entire membership. With an overarching theme of “I AM CHAMBER,” LaFleur challenged attendees to remember the Greater Haverhill Chamber beyond the events attended and the emails received. Instead, become an advocate – a promoter of the chamber. Assist in the growth of the organization as your own personal mission. Use the resources and connections to assist in your business development and the betterment of your community,” encouraged LaFleur.
LaFleur joined the Board of Directors in 2014 after serving for many years on the Restaurant Mystery Dinner Committee and assisting with the Annual Dinner, Golf Tournament, Business Awards Breakfast and WOW Committees, providing technical assistance, photography services and audio visual support. He has been a long standing member of the Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce winning – the Business of the Year Award (Technology) in January 2010. LaFleur is also an involved member of the Association of Computer Repair Business Owners (ACRBO), supporter of the Boys Scouts of America, assisting in the local troop, and a very active member of the Haverhill Exchange Club.
The mission of the GREATER HAVERHILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is to develop, encourage, promote and protect the commercial, professional, financial and general business interest of the Greater Haverhill Area; to promote the civic interest and general welfare of the community; to extend and promote the trade and commerce, and foster, develop and protect the industry of the Greater Haverhill Area; to encourage the development of the transportation and communication facilities and the various resources of the city and area, and to procure laws and regulations desirable for the benefit of business regarding matters affecting its interest.