Career Resources Hosts 19th annual spring fling auction
Career Resources Spring Fling Auction to be held on March 27th, 2015

Career Resources’ (CRC) Annual Spring Fling Auction is fast approaching. The event will be held on Friday, March 27
th, 6:00 pm, at Atkinson Country Club, 85 Country Club Drive, Atkinson, NH.
Since 1968, the non-profit Career Resources Corporation (CRC), has been assisting people with disabilities to live, work, and fully engage within their communities. Career Resources offers a wide range of support services to people with disabilities, including those with brain injuries and Veterans of the armed forces. With the most helpful and appropriate services available, across 4 programs, CRC provides opportunities for people to become participating, involved and valued members of their communities. This year proceeds from the Spring Fling will benefit our Veterans Employment Programs. This event unites 250 local business owners and community members in an effort to raise money for local Veterans seeking employment.
The Spring Fling now in its 19th year raises funds with silent and live auction items donated by members of the community. Auction items range from a Photo Safari for two to Africa, a week’s stay at the “House by the Mouse” in Orlando, round trip airfare, sporting event tickets, exclusive golf outings at local clubs, restaurant gift certificates, jewelry, and so much more.
Tickets are $30.00 per person with a table of 10 being discounted at $270.00. For more information, purchase tickets, or make a donation, put an ad in the ad book, contact Nicole Sammartino at (978) 374-9122, x-228 or you can find more information or purchase tickets on our website
Since 1968, the non-profit Career Resources Corporation (CRC), has been assisting people with disabilities to live, work, and fully engage within their communities. Career Resources offers a wide range of support services to people with disabilities, including those with brain injuries and Veterans of the armed forces. With the most helpful and appropriate services available, across 4 programs, CRC provides opportunities for people to become participating, involved and valued members of their communities. Employment Services provides vocational training services, job placement, and ongoing job support in the Merrimack Valley. Day Services offers customized goal-oriented programs that promote independence and community membership. Shared Living and Adult Family Care are options for people who prefer to live at home supported by their families, or in a family environment. Community Living Services are group residences (24/7) to provide a healthy and supportive living environment.]]>